Saturday, 16 November 2013


Well, i know i have been gone for like an extensive amount of time but i had some pretty good diabolic straight out of hell reason: architecture. i can't spare a moment to sit down and write a blog post, but i do now; and today's post is about that series i promised of life skills and this post's life skill is amazing, it's called SARCASM.
Now you all should know that i am a huge fan of sarcasm, because nowadays people are seriously lacking common sense and sarcasm is a great way to respond to that. i have searched for a proper definition for the word sarcasm and found a lot, but the best one i found is: sarcasm is the way to insult idiots without them realising it. it's accurate definition, for i feel that there is too much stupidity in the world and if you can't hit a stupid person in the face because it would be wrong you might as well retaliate with a sharp sarcastic response that will make them shut up and make you feel a lot better inside
to be honest , i am an overly sarcastic person; i use sarcasm in my everyday life just like i use air or water; i feel it is a necessary for a sane mind because the overpower of stupidity makes me want to punch people in the face with a coconut but since we don't always carry a coconut around with us (which we should because  it would be cool) sarcasm is the greatest way to feel a bit better and stop the anger building in your insides; i know we all had that feeling when someone says something extremely stupid that you just can't shut up and you must say something or else you will risk your mental health and implode(if you never had that feeling, i have bad news for you, you are the one who always says stupid things; and you should stop seriously: everyone) so sarcasm is actually a healthy life skill that prevents injuries with a coconut to the face, strokes, blood clots, high blood sugar, and a lot of the other things so exercise it regularly. sorry for the rant but it had to be said.

Saturday, 2 November 2013


There is one thing sure about this life and it is that it is not sure, you can never know what will happen next, one minute you are happy and enjoying a great song, the next you get a call that your best friend is sick and in bed, and while you get there you find them already feeling better, that is life: nothing about it is stable or certain to stay there. even us as human beings, we are not sure that we are going to stay for long, we hope to, we make plans, we work on them and try to accomplish them, and we pray every day for the best, but the truth is that we might sleep but never wake up, or get out of the house and never come back, or we might come inside the doctors and never leave; well not on our feet anyway, and i was thinking today: what have i done with my life? what is exciting about my life? what have i accomplished so far? and all i can think of is studying. i have literally done nothing with my life, except for studying all the time, I've never travelled; I've never been to a wedding, I've never fallen in love, I've never had my heart broken, I've never had a major fight in my life, I'm always so good to people that nobody wants to fight with me, don't get me wrong i think that i have a great life, but i want more, isn't that like the human nature,isn't that what makes us the beings that we are; our constant longing for something that even us don't know.
What if i die tomorrow? will i be happy because I've done everything i wanted? no, i won't because i haven't done everything i wanted , i want so many things so badly but will it matter when it is too late? you know how they say: it's never too late...well sometimes it is, if you're DEAD. and the major question that we need to ask ourselves is: have i done anything wrong to anybody? have i been unfair or bad to someone when they don't deserve it? because that really is an important question because if you're still alive you can at least attempt to fix the situation but if you're gone, there is nothing you can do about it, so say sorry while you can; say i love you while you can, say "how can i help you" while you can and never take anybody for granted for you never know when you're going to see them again.
I guess my point of writing all of this is: when you never know what is coming to you tomorrow why not take the best out of today and leave yesterday behind because that is where it is; a history...and leave tomorrow until it comes, plan like you're going to live forever, but live like you only have today.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Bare souls.

So, today's post is about life skills. the life skills that either you're born with or that you acquire through the years; i would love to do a whole series on the matter, and the first thing i would like to talk about is a life skill that is intriguing to me; and that always leaves dumbfounded to people that posses it; it is a life skill that is rather important but could lead you into hating the whole human race and that life skill is judging characters. the ability to see what's inside people without them saying a word about it and the ability to know the truth from lies, and the ability to be around people that you know their reality rather than what they tell you they are like. and like i said it is a bless and a curse in the same time because; people who have this skill are obliged to see people's souls naked, exposed, and the human soul is a dark place that nobody wants to see but these people who can read into others can see into their dirty souls, and that is not a pleasant thing to know or see.
Judging characters, i have never been so good at doing that, and for some reason i can't really see how people are on the inside, i always treat people and see them in the way they present their selves, and i look no further into their souls to know what they hide or how they actually are. this is like when someone tells you they are not hungry but you know they are and it is obvious that they are but you yourself can't really see it. how stupid is that?? well i don't really think of it as stupid as much as it is a born skill, some people are born with the ability to see beyond the cover that others put on their faces. i just can't figure out how people are like until I've been with them for so long while my friends can know the amount of information that took me a year or so to gather it takes them a talk with that person..seriously, just a talk.
to all of you out there who are good judges of characters : you are so lucky that you can see the insides of people's hearts so that you can be careful on who to be friends with, because, i think it's just good to be able to choose people to be around while knowing for sure that it was the right pick.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Be Your Own CLEOPATRA...

Cleopatra, a name that has stayed through the ages; a name that makes every woman proud to hear, a woman that ruled an empire of the most powerful ones in time alone, and had two of the strongest men in that time, wrapped around her finger. that woman is an example of what the female population is capable of. not with strength or trying to be an equal to men, but just by being herself, a woman, a female, with all her weakness that she embraced and worked with to get exactly what she wanted. and that is a subject that i really like and that i have been meaning to address as soon as i opened my blog and that is : girl power.
I see a lot of girls in my daily life( some of them are my friends) that get abused emotionally by guys.- a guy that is she totally out of his league, way better than him; i get so confused on how she accepts such behaviour from him, so i tend to ask and the answer is always one out of two: i love him so much, but that is not what blows my brains out the answer that confuses me is: he controls me...and here i beg to differ you see i believe in all my mind that girls can and do control boys and we do it with our most powerful weapon: our weakness. i know that u might say that this is BS you're saying and that boys are stronger therefore they control girls but i say that's the point, we girls as the weaker gender , god made our strength in that weakness, we can't snap necks, or punch a nose till it breaks, or break someones leg with a kick, but with one tear we can get whatever we want or with a puppy face we can convince any man to do what we want, and believe it or not, men are really vulnerable to tears, they get confused when they say a woman cry and they try to do anything just to get her to stop; so saying that he "controls" you is completely inaccurate because the truth is you control him you just don't know how to use it.i mean there are a lot of examples of women who concurred the world just by being a woman with all their flaws and weaknesses and my personal favourite is Cleopatra...
we don't need to become like men to control them, the truth is that we need to become more feminine than we already are; love our girlishness, our mood swings, our oestrogen; our hair, our curves, everything that allows us to be the perfect female that we can be; and if we can do that - and we can- every woman will be Cleopatra.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013


In addition to the fact that the world is getting smaller by the minute there is the fact of new things popping out, every where you look there is a new experience, a new person to meet, a new food to try, and so on and so forth. but if you are a scared, anti-social person like yours truly, you will find all that terrifying, and just to stay comfortable, you will stay in a protected shell, and never come out of it. i should know; because i go through that situation on daily bases, and i know a lot of people do too, I'm always afraid of trying new things, always doing the same old things i do every single day, which is something i don't understand because i get bored very easily, but some how i seem to repeat myself more than i would like to admit. i have panic attacks when i meet a large group of people, that i don't know, like in a wedding or a party; and i hate too much noise, i am like an old lady who's husband just died, and she is hating n everything and everybody. but i have learnt lately- from the lovely blogger Zoe-that i should just say YES, and be more bold in life, and just put myself out there to experiences, and that is what I'm trying to do.
 See the thing is, we are not really afraid of the new things,or trying them, because what you don't know can't hurt you, and what you have never tried before, you will not know how it's going to be until you do.what we really are afraind of is failing, and the look of others if that happened. but you know what: who cares what everybody thinks? if we didn't, no one will. so i started lately on this new project of mine and it is simple, it consists of doing ten things I'm not comfortable doing every day, ten small things, like keeping eye contact and smiling to a cute boy who was smiling at me, or going for a shopping day with your friends without worrying how you will look, or just buying something new to wear, that you would have never even picked out the rack before, and actually wear it. im not saying that we should break the boundries, and jump off a cliff, or rob a bank ( although that would be cool). but just these small controled adrenaline rushes will give you the power you need, that when in the future you want to make a big decision in life, you won't hesitate, and think it through too much, that you lose the opprtunity to do something great, like a job decision in a distant city; or anything else that the hesitation and the fear of stepping out of your comfort zone will ruin for you. we should start living rather than just existing. why should we be so afraid of life when all it takes is just to be a little brave, for the real danger  lies within our heads. stop existing and start living.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

growing up!!

If you know me personally you would know that I'm a 20 year old "young lady", but i never act based on my age because i have the life of a 17 year old teenager. i have completely failed to catch up with my age , mentality and attitude and behaviour wise; i don't think that growing up is essential for living a good life, i mean why so serious? actually I'm TERRIFIED of growing up or growing old, it scares me to death and makes me cringe; i hate talking about grown up topics. you may think that i am retarded. I'm not. the reason that i hate growing up so much is because of the responsibilities; i don't like them for they are a heavy burden and i think about them too much, if I'm given a simple task to do i would take too seriously no matter how simple it is i will take it seriously until it's done to perfection and i mean perfection because I'm a true perfectionist, and that serious mood i put myself into deprives me of having fun and being just me.
the other reason why i don't like growing up is the biggest responsibility known to mankind: marriage. now; no matter where you live around this world, girls have so much pressure on them to get married , and yes only girls because a guy if he doesn't get married he is the eternal stud but girls have to get married and have kids and we get that stupid cliche put in our heads since we're young with the dolls and the kitchen  ware toys and when we're older we read all these romantic fairy tales about finding prince charming so were practically brain washed into thinking that it's our destiny to be married and that we are not complete until we are with a man; now don't get me wrong I'm not against that because i know that having another person in your life is an essential at least you won't die alone but it is not the only thing in the world worth accomplishing, especially for us girls, for we need to achieve our own way in life and we have nobody to rely on, we're not in the 50's anymore. another and the last reason i dread the idea of growing up is because i am terrible at interacting with people i don't know like shop vendors and bus ticket collectors and such i just don't feel comfortable and pushing out of the comfort zone is scary; but now i do it on daily bases because i like the rush it gives me. but i still don't want to grow up, is that really hard to do? i don't want to lose my playful spirit and my child like soul.. we only grow up when we stop playing and as for me that will never happen. I here by declare that my young days will never be over.I refuse to grow up.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

You're not stupid

-When i was little, i used to believe anything anybody would tell me , i was the most naive child i knew, even now i see kids that are wittier and wiser than i am and was. and since i have an evil older sister -and like all older sisters- she loved to torture me.
We used to live next to a river; and it was a scary place. so she told me that there was a headless witch living there, and of course i believed it, and didn't go by that place for months. and i would wake up in the middle of the night screaming from the nightmares i had. but after a while i decided to take action against my fear, so i asked my sister to take me and show me the witch. at first she was hesitant, but then she did take me. i think she didn't want to come across as a liar and she hoped so hard that there would be a witch- as i said we were sooo young.
After a whole day at the river; she was tired and hungry -and so was i but i wouldn't show it- but she admitted that she was lying and that there is no witch at that place and i won; despite the fact of being scared and tired and hungry i won.
After that incredibly long story what I'm trying to get out of this is that i was -and still am- a very believing person i believe things very easily and i get scolded for it sometimes.but this this how i am  and i can't say that this quality of mine has done me any good, because once people catch on to you, that you believe everything you're told; they will think that you are weak and naive and will start taking advantage of you in any way possible whether it be: emotional or physical or financial .it is in the human nature and that's how we are made. but the truth is; i am not weak nor naive, i just have faith that everytime will be different than the last one ;and that this time everything will be just fine. I'm not retarded or have mental problems for thinking so, I'm just hopeful, but it almost never comes true, what i hope for.
But for people like me out there, i say that it  doesn't mean that you should lose your faith in humanit,y and in yourself, and think that the lonelier you are the better, it is not, trust me I've tried it. what you should do is what i learnt from my own childhood story. i was a brave child and decided that i will always stay that way. because the thing is; you don't have a choice either you step up and get your courage and face the world. or you stay locked up in a cocoon of self and world loath, and that my friends isn't healthy at all. and holding grudges against people who have taken advantage of you, is just going to drain your spirit and take away your laugh,and we don't want that now do we?
So learn to forgive, and let go, but never forget, and learn from your mistakes and never lose faith in humanity. because there will always be goodness in people, and that is something i will always believe no matter what and i will believe it from the depths of my heart.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013


-So i don't know if anyone is reading this or not, i really hope you are but i know it won't be that fast i mean i just started writing like 3 days ago but i really want to reach out to as many people as i can.
- the main thing i like doing in my life-and i do it a lot- is trying to make people feel good about themselves and the world, i am a very good listener and that's why I'm writing now because i think listening to people is extremely important to have a happy and active social life at least with the people that are around you like your friends, your sisters, your parents, etc. listening to people makes them believe that you want to help them even if you don't know how to sometimes a simple gesture like listening attentively and offering a hug at the end is very important and count as much as 50 hours with a specialist.
-if you care about someone listen to them, don't hear them, listen to them it will mean the world to them.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Giving up.

-Such a depressing start, i know but it is what came to my thoughts. today im talking on the subject of loving someone that your best friend also tends to like, only like him while you are deeply in love with him. it is a difficult thing to think about, on one side you feel things for that person that you've never thought you'd feel for anybody else, you thought you'd never fall ever, for anybody, you're jealous about him even though he's only your best friend and you know deep down in your heart thats all he'll ever be because your self confidence is absent makes it impossible for you to even approach the subject of you having feelings for him.
and then comes your best friends who is cute and beautiful and has an unbelievable confidence and always gets what she wants especially men who fall in line just to have a chance with her. you know she can have him , you know she will hae him and you know she is going to break his heart.
I hear you say: if she is your friend she will step aside and leave him for you. but i tell u that leaving a catch like that is insane even if i am her best friend for he is a kind,funny,loving, generous person and many more qualities. and besides she can't help it once she wants something nothing will get in her way ,even friendship.
and if you say that i am overreacting over some boy and that i should just leave him to my bestfriend since i am that weak to take actions and atleast to try and get to him and with you i agree because in my opinion: if one doesn't fight for what he really wants in life than he doesn't deserve it.

first blog

So yeah, I've just started a blog here; i know it's going to be fun and so exiting. If you're wondering what I'm going to blog about then i tell u: nothing specific, just day to day thoughts that pop into my head, it might not be interesting to some of u, it might inspire others, and i know a lot of u will be bored and confused by them because the thing is ; I'm horrible at talking, explaining , or getting my point across, but I'll try my best here because i have a lot to talk about and you're going to want to read it. hopefully you'll enjoy it and have a good time here.