Monday, 16 September 2013

Giving up.

-Such a depressing start, i know but it is what came to my thoughts. today im talking on the subject of loving someone that your best friend also tends to like, only like him while you are deeply in love with him. it is a difficult thing to think about, on one side you feel things for that person that you've never thought you'd feel for anybody else, you thought you'd never fall ever, for anybody, you're jealous about him even though he's only your best friend and you know deep down in your heart thats all he'll ever be because your self confidence is absent makes it impossible for you to even approach the subject of you having feelings for him.
and then comes your best friends who is cute and beautiful and has an unbelievable confidence and always gets what she wants especially men who fall in line just to have a chance with her. you know she can have him , you know she will hae him and you know she is going to break his heart.
I hear you say: if she is your friend she will step aside and leave him for you. but i tell u that leaving a catch like that is insane even if i am her best friend for he is a kind,funny,loving, generous person and many more qualities. and besides she can't help it once she wants something nothing will get in her way ,even friendship.
and if you say that i am overreacting over some boy and that i should just leave him to my bestfriend since i am that weak to take actions and atleast to try and get to him and with you i agree because in my opinion: if one doesn't fight for what he really wants in life than he doesn't deserve it.

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