Now for those of you who don't know what tumblr is, or don't care, it's a blogging website, you go there, open a profile, have a blog and then you can post whatever you like there, and re post whatever you find compatible with your way of thinking, yep, that's pretty much it.
But no, that's not true my friends, tumblr, unlike any other social website, is the most ,weird, hostile, friendly, racist, forgiving, graphic, polite, scientific, stupid, sick website ever, tumblr is the most unfriendly friendly environment ever, it is where you go, to laugh, cry, feel a tad bit disgusted, maybe educated a bit, and u can do all of that by just following some interesting blogs, or searching some tags.
What is really popular on tumblr nowadays though is fandoms and shipping and feels, so much feels you can't even,asdfjkgl, i mean it's the most important part of tumblr, you see a show or a film or read a book, and you evolve this fondness for certain characters, and the you evolve your own theory on who you think should be together and the fanfics and the fan art that sometimes can be a bit graphic (or a lot, cringe worthy really) is spread all over and you can't help but see it on your dash.
Or the scientific side of tumblr, the place where you find an explanation to everything that is happening, in this whole universe, the people on the scientific side can also make up facts for you just to explain that thing that has been going on in your head that you can find no explanation to, it's amazing and extremely educational, and if not, highly entertaining.
But my personal favourite part of the tumblr is the puny side, now this side can be aggravating for some people at times, but if you are having a bad day or just want to have a nice laugh, or want to lighten the mood a little bit, these clever puns will definitely do the trick for you, i know they always cheer me up, or maybe I'm just one of those annoying people (i make puns all the times).
The tumblr, although publicised as the most friendly website on the Internet, a welcoming environment for all shapes and sizes and races and sexual orientations, but it's all bullshit, because tumblr is the most aggressive website ever, if you don't agree with their opinion, or their ship, or don't watch their favourite show (fucking doctor who) or god forbid you say that Benedict cumberbatch isn't the best Sherlock Holmes of all time, you will die, not metaphorically, they will get on a plane, come to your house, stab you, and then leave just as simple as that, never say that Benedict is not the best Sherlock, never.
It is also the most relatable website ever for troubled human beings that feel alone and like nobody understands them in the world, you can always find someone that understands what you're going through in tumblr, always, this, is the best thing about tumblr, when it comes down to it, they're there for you, even from a continent's beautiful.
so yeah, that was my little rant about the tumblr.
please follow this blog, because i know you're cool :)
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